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Saturday, September 6, 2008

^ Human

Is that human?

Human is a unique creature. Although we know that us human (or may be doesn't know?) it is not be easy job to describes what unique in human in comparison with mortal other.
In the first place let us seeing from the biological characteristic. Human is creature have sel many, Metazoa, Than creature bersel single, Protista. He also spiny creature, Vertebrata, than creature not spiny, Avertebrata. Between vertebrata human belongs to into mammal group, Mammalia, Because he quick-tempered, Sipping air, With hairy skin, and Giving suck the baby. Human furthermore belongs to into mammalia the fetus blooms in the female uterus, Eutheria, Get food passes placenta. Then human is grouped into order primata, Including lemur, Tarsius, Monkey and Big monkey: Gorilla, and Chimpanzee. Distinguish human with primata another is behaviour bipedal, Walking secondly foot, Berpostur upright, Formed spine S, and Foot longer from hand. Only hand that usable to hold, prehensil, with big thumb and powerful, situated Correlatinging across denunciated with another radius that make possible grip steady. Almost entire bodies not hairy and only at grow hair especially in head part. Short the jaw with curved tooth composition. Short the face and Almost vertical. Big relative the brain in comparison with creature other especially in part neo-cortex.

Has also characteristic psikologis and unique behaviour and distinguishing it with creature other. Rapidly shifting human behaviour and Less instingtif compared with animal. Has character wants to know, imitate, pay attention, remember and Berimajinasi, such as those which has by animal other relative progress, and can apply it according to softer and Complex. Human can to change nature ably think it. They make tool and Use it. They are aware self, can rememberring past and Projecting future, aware life and Death. He can to think abstract and can to use simbol, Later round into language. They have also beauty taste, Aesthetics, and Feeling religious that described with amazement and belief as respects to supernatural and Spiritual. He is creature correlatinging moral that can to develop complex social structure.

Why does human be clever?

What make human history be to like what we see in this time? The story is begun on the happening of climate change that make the lessened forest is savanna at olduvai's gorge region, Africa east. A species pre human, Male homosexual habilis, Begining alight from their place tree lives and crossing at bew savanna formed. Nature selection show that breed that develop behaviour walks upright can survive alive better. This behaviour brings consequence other also that is pelvis be small that accustom self with habit walks upright. Finally human baby must born “prematur” with skull in rough so that can out from narrow pelvis. This matter is further makes this weak human baby needs attention more than adult human and experiencing childhood, That is where he released from duty survived alive with look for to eat and another activity, far longer from species other. This matter also that evoke division of labor in two humans sex, man hunts to look for to eat and woman watched over weak child a while ago. Ability walks upright this also free second hand and making possible they are perfect tool user.

Something else doesn't less important human brain development that make possible human thinks rational and developping ability speaks. Part that bloom this neo-cortex. At first that bloom sign language very useful in activity hunts performed within group. Mouth form anatomy evolution and Jaw furthermore melapangkan human to can to pronounce complex sound later on rounds into verbal language.

Thereby complete all ingredients that wanted to make a species clever:
• Ability uses tool
• Long tender age
• Ability speaks

All the it above make human can to develop what we conceive of culture, A way of living sustained heredity to generation next, worn to defend the alive. Human has done a evolution jump, That is culture evolution, Not physiology evolution. This culture is very flexible, compareding with physiology evolution that want time thousands even millions year. With culture here's human faces all challenge that appear in front of it.

Science progress and technology

culture, thereby have come to a bew evolution tool. Culture self has some aspects, Among others science and technology. Technology blooms in advance, since human holds stone and Wearing it as a means of. At first only nature stone rather sharp. Long too long human finds manner to make self stone sharper and of course better. Manner makes “axe” this stone sustained heredity. So also with another technology. Human child during the toddler time, Time bases on adult human, can study this culture when the free.
Way of living groups also one of [the] culture that developed human. What a group can to survive or Is not defined by culture that developed by the group. Successful group survives and bloom, Weak lost to gulped time or dominateding by group stronger. Human destiny forever depend on ability think it.

World history has showed civilization more progress to subjugate civilization backwarder. Win furthermore can subjugated by civilization other again more progress. Sometimes the time happens where barbarian nation can to subjugate nation more progress to like in Mongol's invasion case in Genghis Khan's time. In strong the kernel survives, Weak subjugated.

Technology can be victory determinant that mean. If two tribes wage war, one tribe wears stone spear with skin shield and other spear and Bronze shield, clear victory in which side. Clear matter is seen in spain invasion to “the new word, subjugating wild tribe even does not know horse with cavalry troop, Sword and Ammunition. Hair-raising the result!

Science, being pioneer that make technology progress is faster and beyond conception. He exceeds practise limits to difficult abstract domain is reached out for idea. Science self actually new bloom in two latest millenium. But can we see self how does the fast development that happened in two this latest millenium.

Science even also doesn't walk linear. He can emerge and Sink. He washeds away with in human civilization development. Ship with lambung curved that rule over mediterranean at ancient greek age losts to gulped civilization and New found to return in exploration era in middle ages.

Mercy or A curse

Science and Technology from beginning the beginning really allocated for human life ease. Technology is human hand extension in subjugate nature. He also changes environment is easier to ditinggali. Taking a trip not again difficult like formerly. So also with communication that goes on with sekejab eye. On the other hand human more base on technology. The extinguished electricity at Jakarta some time then can to paralyse city wide. Life style even also change, Where many one who not can alives without handphones and Television. I shall not know to what human radius will lose the function because that worn only thumb good to send SMS or Playing PlayStation™.

Larger ones problem even more many. We deal with global heating and Also extinction species. Wanting must not want must admitted that human berkontribusi on all these changes. Bot to mention debate hits kloning, Stem cell, and All genetics engineer kind. Information revolution connects whole world that make information widespread swiftly that make not again place hid. How do we menyikapi all this. Is this mercy or A curse? Is science like box pandora After opened uncontrollable?

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