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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

^ The Google Chrome launching

Welcomed the Google Chrome launching browser the match Microsoft IE-8?

As though welcoming the launching browser newest Microsoft IE-8 Google was ready launched browser property personally that was given by the Chrome name. Will be increasingly violent the business duel between the ruler of the giant business IT global and the only one of the competitor's companies in the world that was considered most of the observer's circles IT could drag the dominance or most did not compete with the software business especially the application of the explorer the Internet ounce-line: browser. At this time browser Microsoft Internet Explorer so firm dominated by controlling approximately 74% of the Internet of the user's market share ounce-line. Beneath it just was in order: Firefox (18%), the Safari (6%), and the Opera. Google Chrome was ready to be launched by my version the first introduction (only versions for OS Windows) to dn-right from the official Official Google Blog site on the Wednesday on September 03 the standard of Pacific Time time, AS. Situs was meant:

Browser belonging to Google this emerged with put forward 5 (five) great fitur, that is: “Speed, Stability, Search, Security, Standard” and was developed in the format of the licence open-sources --- was the same his matter with Google Android that was wrought on as the OS application supreme for cellular phone equipment: mobile phones --- in the side of the speed: Speed was revealed that the running of the process of the work browser menggunaka the sophisticated application of Javascript V8 virtual machine that was not yet utilised in the application browser whatever other beside the development of the based Standard Webkit application code --- like that was used also to Android and browser Apple-Safari --- with the combination was like this will make browser went responsive in putting forward the page web now that very much was rich will be varied fitur inter-active. Would his matter the side of “Search w User Experience” that appeared at the same time to feature Google as search engine the single number world, was revealed that tabs will become the main element of the control device between-face in navigation web. Every time tab will be made have the control was respectively special; in fact if needed could be removed or separated and made tabs as standalone windows.

The Open Source Programs Office Google side of the development manager said that the launching of the first version browser Chrome was a first introduction that still was far from perfect or... Google Chrome Is far from done, but revealed this step as an appropriate innovation Google business philosophy, and promised some browser with cargo of now technology that would put forward an amount 5 sophisticated superiority above in the form show that “pretty and clean” was proper for public recognised and liked the page of the front veranda

The source: Up-dates the style of information web. /Rizal AK

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